Hebrew School of Performance

Maon Noam Hebrew School offers a warm and lively Jewish atmosphere where children can attain a unique and exciting awareness of their Jewish identity. Indeed, a child equipped with a Torah education and a feeling for Judaism’s beautiful teachings, traditions and historical lessons, is a child better equipped to face the awesome moral challenges of today’s society.

Our program’s most underlying approach is for the children to enjoy the time spent at Hebrew School so that they are left with positive feelings and fond memories of their Jewish education. Our program is thus carefully blended with songs, games, incentives, arts and crafts, dramatics, family celebrations and other exciting co-curricular activities.

True to our philosophy to allow each Jew to embrace their Judaism – there are no tuition fee – everyone can donate as much as they wish.

A Sunday Hebrew School that your child will cherish❤

For Boys and Girls from SK – Grade 6

Age 5 – 11 years old


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